Hari Adhikari
Position:Lecturer in English
College:College of Liberal Arts
Office:GEH C319
Educational Background
Ph.D., English Studies, Illinois State University, USA
M.Phil., Pokhara University, Nepal
M.A., Tribhuvan University, Nepal
B.A., Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Dr. Adhikari earned his PhD degree in English Studies with concentration on Children’s and Young Adult Literature from Illinois State University in 2012. Before coming to WKU, he taught various courses in English language and literatures in English at Tribhuvan University, Nepal for more than 15 years. He also taught at United International College a joint venture of Beijing Normal University and Hong Kong Baptist University located in Zhuhai China for two years. During his doctoral work at Illinois State University, he taught freshman composition and literature as an instructor for five years.
The areas of his teaching and research interests are Children’s and Young Adult Literature, World Literature, Postcolonial Studies, South Asian Studies, Cross-cultural Studies, Pedagogies for Literature and Freshmen Composition. He has made scholarly presentations on diverse topics in seminars and conferences in Nepal, India, China, Taiwan and USA.
Dr. Adhikari has published over a dozen journal articles and creative pieces. He loves reading and writing poetry.
Selected Scholarly Publication
Adhikari, Hari. “Exoticization and Romanticization of South Asian Youths in Western Young Adult novels.” Asian Quarterly 16.3 (2018). 5-17.
—. “The Importance/Impotence of Universities and the Humanities in Crisis.” Literary Studies 30 (March 2017). 45-50.
—. “Exceptions as Rules of the Game for Young Adults: A Close Reading of Sonya Sones’ What My Mother Doesn’t Know.” Literary Studies 30 (2016). 25-32.
—. “Kafka in Philip Roth’s The Breast: A Study of Literary Influence, Intertextuality and Forgery.” Humanities and Social Sciences Journal 8.1 (2016). 145-56.
—. “Corrupt Adults and Castrated Adolescents: Questioning Aetonormativity in Robert Cormier’s Young Adult Novels.” The Journal of University Grants Commission 4.1 (2015). 39-53.
—. “Identity Narratives: Needs and Challenges for South Asian Diaspora Youths.” Cross-currents: A Journal of English Studies 3.1 (February 2014), 109-120.
Adhikari, Hari and Ujeena Rana. “Portrayal of Young Adults in Dystopian Young Adult Literature: Hunger Games Trilogy.” People: International Journal of Social Sciences. Special Issue 2015. 213-26.
Creative Work
Adhikari, Hari. “Will Power.” International Anthology of Pandemic Poetry 2020. Ed. Subash Parajuli and Rupsingh Bhandari. New Delhi: Brosis Publishers, 2020.
—. “There is Light at the End of the Tunnel.” The Grey Sparrow Journal 36, Summer, 2020.
—. “I Wish I Were a Myopic.” The Grey Sparrow Journal 34, Summer, 2019.
College Programs
- Communication B.A. (Public Relations)
- Psychology B.A.
- English B.A. – English in Standard Option
- English B.A. – English in Global Settings Option