Laura Schlichting

  • Position:
    Lecturer in English
  • College:
    College of Liberal Arts
  • Office:
    GEH B317
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Laura Schlichting has spent her career focused on ESL instruction, with a particular interest in assessment, L2 writing, and podcasts in the classroom. She received her undergraduate degree from the University of Minnesota in English before heading abroad to pursue her Master’s degree, obtaining an MA in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the American University in Cairo while also working as an instructor there in the Language Fellowship Program. From Egypt, she ventured to the Kurdish region of Iraq, settling in for six years at the American University of Iraq, Sulaimani where she taught a variety of English courses at all levels and across different areas, such as composition, reading comprehension, and listening and speaking. In addition, she held several leadership roles overseeing committees and program service and served as the head of the assessment committee during a successful bid for CEA accreditation.
Eager to explore a different culture and region of the world, she transitioned to a new position in China at Wenzhou-Kean University, where she currently is employed in the English Department. Presently, she is pursuing a research project on the efficacy and applicability of podcasts in ESL classrooms and student preferences of online vs. in-person teaching. When not working, Laura enjoys traveling, hiking, eating, eating while traveling, and reading traveling books while eating,


ESL 0303, ESL 0305, ESL 0403, ESL 0405, ENG 1300, ENG 1430