Wadia Rabhi

  • Position:
    Lecturer in English
  • College:
    College of Liberal Arts
  • Office:
    GEH A213
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Educational Background

Ph.D. (University of Montreal), M.A. (University of Montreal)


I received a Ph.D. in nineteenth-century American literature and literary theory and criticism from the University of Montreal, Canada. Before joining Wenzhou-Kean University, I taught in Canada, Oman, and Saudi Arabia.

Research interests

My scholarly interests range from nineteenth-century American literature to literary theory and criticism to philosophy to film studies. Of particular interest to me is the ever-fraught relationship between the poetics of theoretical discourses and the domain of literature. I study the literary domain as a case of knowledge in the interdisciplinary spectrum, at the junctures of the history of the novel, cultural studies, literary theory, psychoanalysis, and film studies. I am currently completing a book manuscript on the narrative and tropological economies of “the missed encounter” in classic American literature.


World Literature, Composition