Daniel Burton-Rose
Position:Director of Humanities & Social Sciences Department, Assistant Professor in History
College:College of Liberal Arts
Office:GEH B311
Educational Background
Oberlin College
1998, B.A., History (Honors); Religion (Double Major)
University of Colorado, Boulder
2009, M.A., Asian Languages and Civilizations
Princeton University
2016, Ph.D., East Asian Studies
Dr. Daniel Burton-Rose is an Assistant Professor of History and a History Minor Advisor at Wenzhou-Kean University. Dr. Burton-Rose obtained his doctorate from the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton University in 2016. He is the co-editor, with David A. Bello, of the anthology Insect Histories of East Asia (University of Washington Press 2023) [https://uwapress.uw.edu/book/9780295751801/insect-histories-of-east-asia/] and the author of the forthcoming monograph Conversing with Spirits: Prophecy and Spirit-Writing in Qing Conquest China, which is the first of several planned volumes exploring the role of communication between mortals and spirits in the self-representations of powerful families in the Yangzi Delta region in late imperial China. He serves as the Senior Editor of the journal Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Medicine (Brill) [https://brill.com/view/journals/asme/asme-overview.xml], for which he co-edited a special issue with Yi-Li Wu titled “African American Contributions to American Acupuncture,” and has contributed to a range of peer-reviewed scholarly journals, including Daoism: Religion, History and Society, Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies, Journal of the History of Biology, Journal on Religion and Violence, Korean Journal for the History of Science, and T’oung Pao.
Research interests
Late Imperial China; Early Modern East Asia; East Asian Environmental History; Gender and the Family System; Local, Inter-regional, and Transnational Histories; History of Science and Technology; Insect Humanities
Publications/scholarly and creative work
Co-Edited Volume
Insect Histories of East Asia (with David A. Bello). University of Washington Press, 2023.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
2022 “Wenchang Buildings in Late Imperial China: A Consideration of the Visual Record in Late Imperial Local Gazetteers.” Journal of the European Association for Chinese Studies 3: 59–84.
2022 “The Environmental History of East Asia: Intra-regional, Transnational, and Translocal Connections.” Korean Journal for the History of Science 44 (2): 365–86.
2020 “Towards a Sinophone Insect Humanities: A Review Essay.” Journal of the History of Biology 53 (4): 667–78.
2020 “Establishing a Literati Spirit-Writing Altar in early Qing Suzhou: The Optimus Prophecy of Peng Dingqiu (1645–1719).” T’oung Pao 106 (3–4): 358–400.
2019 “Mid-Qing Officials’ Spirit-Altars and the Three Teaching Perspective: The Case of Peng Qifeng’s prefaces to the Complete Works of Thearch Guan, Patriarch Lü, and Wenchang” 清朝中葉官員的乩壇與三教觀——以彭啟豐為《關帝全書》、《呂祖全書》與《文帝全書》所撰三篇序言為探討中心. Daojiao xuekan 道教学刊 (Journal of Taoist Studies) 3: 130–156.
2018 “The Literati-Official Victimization Narrative: Memorializing Donglin Martyrs in Eighteenth-century Suzhou.” Journal of Religion and Violence 6 (1): 106–126.
2017 “Desiderata for the Principles of Compilation of a Canon of Buddhism and Medicine: A Consumer’s Guide to the Zhongguo Fojiao yiyao quanshu (Complete Works of Chinese Buddhist Medicine and Pharmacopeia, 2011).” Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine 12 (1–2): 203–32.
2015 “A Prolific Spirit: Peng Dingqiu’s Posthumous Career on the Spirit Altar, 1720–1906.” Daoism: Religion, History and Society 7: 7–63.
Book Chapters and a Scholarly Interview
2024 “Instantiating the Genealogy of the Way: Spirit-Writing in the Construction of Peng Dingqiu’s Confucian Pantheon.” In Matthias Schumann and Elena Valussi eds., Communicating with the Gods: Spirit-Writing in Chinese History and Society, 255–90 (Brill).
2023 “Introduction” and “Conclusion.” Co-authored with David A. Bello, in David A. Bello and Daniel Burton-Rose eds., Insect Histories of East Asia (University of Washington Press).
2023 “Circumscribing China with Insects: James G. Needham’s A Manual of the Dragonflies of China (1930) and the Indigenization of Academic Entomology in Republican China.” In David A. Bello and Daniel Burton-Rose eds., Insect Histories of East Asia (University of Washington Press).
2021 “Acupuncture, the Black Panther Party, and People’s Medicine: An Interview with Dr. Tolbert Small,” Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine 16 (2): 251–75.
2019 “Spirit-Altar Prophecy and the Civil Service Examinations in Qing Dynasty China: The Pengs of Suzhou.” In Dagmar Schäfer, Zhao Lu, and Michael Lackner eds., Accounting for Uncertainty: Prediction and Planning in Asian History, 42–53 (Berlin: Max Planck Institute for the History of Science).
2012 “Gendered Androgyny: Transcendent Ideals and Profane Realities in Buddhism, Classicism, and Daoism.” In Howard Chiang ed., Transgender China, 67–95 (New York: Palgrave-Macmillan).
Co-edited Special Issue of Scholarly Journal
2021 With Yi-Li Wu. “African American Contributions to American Acupuncture.” Asian Medicine: Journal of the International Association for the Study of Traditional Asian Medicine 16 (2).
Book Reviews
2023 Brian Lander, The King’s Harvest: A Political Ecology of China from the First Farmers to the First Empire, in The Journal of Asian Studies 82 (4): 698–99.
2020 Yingcong Dai, The White Lotus War: Rebellion and Suppression in Late Imperial China, in H-Buddhism: http://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=55361
2020 Jinhua Jia, Gender, Power, and Talent: The Journey of Daoist Priestesses in Tang China, in Nan Nü: Men, Women and Gender in China 22 (1): 189–92.
2019 Barend J. ter Haar, Guan Yu: The Religious Afterlife of a Failed Hero, in The English Historical Review 134 (569): 942–43.
2018 Jennifer Eichman, A Late Sixteenth-Century Chinese Buddhist Fellowship: Spiritual Ambitions, Intellectual Debates, and Epistolary Connections, in Review of Religion and Chinese Society 5 (2): 229–32.
2018 Mark Meulenbeld, Demonic Warfare: Daoism, Territorial Networks, and the History of a Ming Novel in Journal of Religion and Violence 6 (1): 145–151.
2018 Carolyn Merchant, Autonomous Nature: Problems of Prediction and Control from Ancient Times to the Scientific Revolution, in Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences 54 (1): 70–71.
2017 Philip Clart and Gregory Adam Scott, eds. Religious Publishing and Print Culture in Modern China: 1800–2012, in Review of Religion and Chinese Society 4 (2): 271–75.
2015 Dan Berger, Captive Nation: Black Prison Organizing in the Civil Rights Era, in Journal of American History 102 (3): 943–44.
Web-Based Publications
Teach COVID-19. “Teaching the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Colorado Plateau.”
Accounting for Uncertainty: Prediction and Planning in Asian History. Sponsored by the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science and Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnburg
Alain Arrault. “Analytic Essay on the Domestic Statuary of Central Hunan: The Cult to Divinities, Parents and Masters.” Journal of Chinese Religions 36 (2008): 1–53. From French.
HIST 1062 Worlds of History
HIST 3321 Introduction to the History of Medicine
College Programs
- Communication B.A. (Public Relations)
- Psychology B.A.
- English B.A. – English in Standard Option
- English B.A. – English in Global Settings Option