Ayse Taskiran
办公室:GEH D303A
Educational Background
B.A. English Language Teaching, METU, Türkiye
M.A. English LAnnguage Teaching, Anadolu University, Türkiye
Ph.D. Distance Education, Anadolu University, Türkiye
Dr. Ayse Taskiran is a lecturer at College of Liberal Arts at Wenzhou-Kean University. Taskiran has been working at higher education institutions for more than twenty years. She has worked as a lecturer, the vice director, the head of Curriculum Development Unit, the Head of Technology Integration Unit at Anadolu University School of Foreign Languages, and as a lecturer at Computer Education and Instructional Technologies Department and Open Education Faculty at Anadolu University.
Research interests
Dr. Taskiran published book chapters in international publishing houses and research articles on language learning motivation, achievement motivation, intercultural communicative competence, use of educational technologies in ELT in many international refereed journals. Her research interests include academic writing, automated feedback systems for foreign language teaching and learning, artificial intelligence-based learning technologies, Web 2.0 tools in language classroom, e-learning, educational networks, online-immersive learning mobile learning, achievement motivation, tele-collaboration activities, teacher training, augmented reality, use of generative AI in immediate feedback, interactive learning materials and instructional technologies.
Publications/scholarly and creative work
Taskiran, A., Pan, H., Xie, S., Lin, Z. (2024). A phenomenological research into Chinese EFL teachers’ challenges. Forum for Linguistic Studies, 6(3).
Taskiran, A. & Pan, H. (2024). EFL learners' attributions and causal dimensionality styles in Chinese higher education context. IAFOR Journal of Education: Language Learning in Education 12(1), 93-121. https://doi.org/10.22492/ije.12.1.04 Scopus
Taskiran, A., Yazici, M., & Erdem Aydin, I. (2024). Contribution of automated feedback to the English writing competence of distance foreign language learners. E-Learning and Digital Media, 21(1), 24-41. https://doi.org/10.1177/20427530221139579 Web of Science
Taskiran, A. (2023). The Community of Inquiry Framework in Practice: A Case of Chinese Online Education Context . Asian Journal of Distance Education 18(2), 146-158. http://www.asianjde.com/ojs/index.php/AsianJDE/article/view/746 ERIC
Taskiran, A. (2023). Language Learning Goes Mobile: Online Intercultural Exchange During COVID-19 Pandemic. MEXTESOL Journal 47(2), 1-14. https://www.mextesol.net/journal/public/files/ba7ba3d1ae0bb7f07914e498ad95a004.pdf Scopus
Taskiran, A. (2022). Attributions and Perception of Success in Online Learning: Causal Dimensionality of Distance Language Learners. Van Yüzüncü Yıl University Education Faculty Journal, 19(3), 827-844 . https://doi.org/10.33711/yyuefd.1108238 EBSCO
Taskiran, A. (2022) AI-based automated writing evaluation for online language learning: Perceptions of distance learners. Kocaeli University Journal of Education, 5(1), 111-129. https://doi.org/10.33400/kuje.1053862 EBSCO
Taskiran, A. & Goksel, N. (2022). Automated feedback and teacher feedback: Writing achievement in learning English as a foreign language at a distance. TOJDE–Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 23 (2), 120-139. https://doi.org/10.17718/tojde.1096260 Web of Science
Taskiran, A. (2021). Psycho-social and Educational Dimension of the COVID-19 Lockdown for Elementary School Students. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4 (4), 562-575. https://doi.org/10.31681/jetol.1015191 ERIC
Taskiran, A. (2021). Project-based online learning experiences of pre-service teachers. Journal of Educational Technology and Online Learning, 4(3), 391-405. http://dx.doi.org/10.31681/jetol.977159 ERIC
Taskiran, A. (2021). Management, learning, technology, and assessment dimensions of open and distance learning processes. Journal of Open Education Applications and Research, 7(4), 80-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.51948/auad.984969 ESJI
Taskiran, A. (2019). A Contemporary Educational Network for Professional Development. Int. Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning, 12(3), 89-100. https://online-journals.org/index.php/i-jac/article/view/11093 EBSCO
Taskiran, A. (2019). Social Networking in Higher Education: Perceptions of Teachers and Learners. American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(2), 339–348. https://doi.org/10.20448/801.42.339.348
Taskiran, A. (2019). Telecollaboration: Fostering foreign language learning at a distance. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL), 22(2), 87-97. https://doi.org/10.2478/eurodl-2019-0012 ERIC
Taskiran, A. (2019). The effect of augmented reality games on English as foreign language motivation. E-Learning and Digital Media, 16(2), 122-135. https://doi.org/10.1177/2042753018817541 ESCI Scopus
Taskiran, A., & Aydin, B. (2018). Do adult English language learners and their teachers have similar approaches to success? Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, 11(1), 01-08. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2018.110101 ESCI Scopus
Taskiran, A., Gumusoglu, E. K., & Aydin, B. (2018). Fostering Foreign Language Learning with Twitter: Reflection from English learners. Turkish Online Journal of Distance Education, 19(1), 100-116. https://doi.org/10.17718/tojde.382734 Scopus
Taskiran, A. (2017). Digital divide in open and distance learning. Journal of Open Education Applications and Research, 3(4), 108-124. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/auad/issue/34247/378488 ESJI
Taskiran, A., & Aydin, B. (2017). EFL learners’ causal attributions and dimensionality styles for perceived success and failure. Anadolu University Social Sciences Journal, 17(2), 11-26. https://doi.org/10.18037/ausbd.417235 TR Index
Taskiran, A. (2017). A Phenomenological Research on Anadolu University Open Education Faculty Students’ Attributions of Perceived Success. Journal of Qualitative Research in Education, 5(1), 58-79. https://enadonline.com/public/assets/catalogs/0634339001544438083.pdf ESCI
Taskiran, A. (2017). Higher education in digital age. Journal of Open Education Applications and Research, 3(1), 96-109. https://dergipark.org.tr/en/pub/auad/issue/34114/377387 ESJI
Bozkurt, A., Aydin, B., Taskiran, A., & Koral, E. (2016). Improving creative writing skills of EFL learners through microblogging. The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education, 6(3), 88-98. https://www.tojned.net/journals/tojned/articles/v06i03/v06i03-07.pdf
Taskiran, A. (2022). Effective, Efficient, and Attractive Instructional Design for Online Learning. In Handbook of Research on Managing and Designing Online Courses in Synchronous and Asynchronous Environments (pp. 140-158). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/effective-efficient-and-attractive-instructional-designfor-online-learning/292362
Taskiran, A. (2022). Digital Education Leadership in Distance Education T. V. Yüzer & M. Kesim. (Ed.). Digital Transformation Dimension of Open and Distance Learning. Pegem Academy. https://depo.pegem.net/9786258044744.pdf
Taskiran, A., & Yazici, M. (2021). Formative Feedback in Online Distance Language Learning: Boosting Motivation with Automated Feedback. In Motivation, Volition, and Engagement in Online Distance Learning (pp. 100-125). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/formative-feedback-in-online-distance-languagelearning/285221
Taskiran, A. (2021). Psycho-Social Well-Being of Young Learners During Emergency Remote Teaching: General Scope and Suggestions for Improvement. In Handbook of Research on Emerging Pedagogies for the Future of Education: Trauma-Informed, Care, and Pandemic Pedagogy (pp. 368-385). IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/psycho-social-well-being-of-young-learners-duringemergency-remote-teaching/276976
Gumusoglu Koral, E. & Taskiran, A (2020). Usage Areas of Cloud Computing Technologies in Open and Distance Learning. In Technology Dimension of Open and Distance Learning (pp. 285-304). PEGEM Akademi. https://depo.pegem.net/9786257052016.pdf
Taskiran, A. (2018). Circle Survey. In Belgin Aydın (Ed.), GSE in Action: Anadolian Approach to Outcome-Based Language Teaching, Pearson. https://www.pearsonyayinlari.com/gse-in-action-an-anadolian-approach-to-outcome-basedlanguage-teaching-kitabi-belgin-aydin
Taskiran, A & Pan, H. (2023, December 8-10). A Phenomenological Research into Chinese EFL Students' Attributions in Chinese Higher Education Context. EDUINNOV2023, Wuhan, China. https://sciencepg.com/book/ISBN/B-979-8-88599-063-9
Pan, H. & Taskiran, A. (2023, December 8-10). Analyzing Chinese EFL Students' Causal Dimensionality Styles in Various University Contexts. EDUINNOV2023, Wuhan, China. https://sciencepg.com/book/ISBN/B-979-8-88599-063-9
Xie, S., Taskiran, A., Pan, H. & Lin, Z. (2023, December 8-10). Exploring Challenges Faced by EFL Teachers: A Critical Examination of English Language Education in Chinese Context. EDUINNOV2023, Wuhan, China. https://sciencepg.com/book/ISBN/B-979-8-88599-063-9
Lin, Z., Taskiran A., Pan, H. & Xie, S. (2023, December 8-10). High School EFL Teachers’ Challenges in Chinese Context. EDUINNOV2023, Wuhan, China. https://sciencepg.com/book/ISBN/B-979-8-88599-063-9
Taskiran, A. (2023, June 2-3). Causal Attributions: A case study in Chinese EFL context. VI. Hagia Sophia International Conference on Mulidiciplinary Scientific Studies. Istanbul, Turkey https://www.ayasofyakongresi.com/_files/ugd/614b1f_19df458725304796ba277d33dfcf198b.pdf
Taskiran, A (2023, Feb 13-14). Exploring interaction in online language learning with community of inquiry framework in Chinese higher education context. International Antalya Scientific Research and Innovative Studies Congress-III. Antalya, Turkey https://www.izdas.org/books
Taskiran, A (2021, Nov 15-16). Mobile language learning with augmented reality. 3rd International Conference on Virtual Reality. Sanliurfa, Turkey.
Taskiran, A. (2021, Sep 22-24). Psychosocial and educational dimension of the COVID-19 lockdown for elementary school students.1st International Conference on Educational Technology and Online Learning – ICETOL 2021 Abstract Proceedings. Balikesir, Turkey. http://www.icetol.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/icetol2021_abstract_proceedings.pdf?3
Taskiran, A. (2021, May 26-29). Applying artificial intelligence technologies to enhance formative feedback at English preparatory school. 13th International Conference of Strategic Research on Scientific Studies and Education. Antalya, Turkey http://www.icosresse.com/?pnum=5&pt=ICoSReSSE+Archive
Taskiran, A. (2019, November 14-16). Bringing Distance Closer: Online Intercultural Exchange for English as a Foreign Language. IODL2019 International Open and Distance Learning Conference, Eskisehir, Turkey http://iodl.anadolu.edu.tr/file/IODL_2019_Conference_Proceedings.pdf
Taskiran, A. (2019, June 12-14). A Contemporary Educational Network for Professional Development. ICELW 2019, New York, USA. https://learningideasconf.s3.amazonaws.com/Docs/Past/2019/Papers/Taskiran.pdf
Taskiran, A. (2018, June 19-22). How do language learners and teachers perceive Edmodo as an educational network? In Çınkır, Ş. (Ed.) VIth Euroasian Educational Research Congress 2019 Conference Proceedings. Empowering Education; Research, Theory and Practice (pp. 1264-1268). Ankara, Turkey. https://ejer2019.ejercongress.org/en/
Taskiran, A. (2018, October 04-07). Telecollaboration activity between Chinese and Turkish EFL learners: Reflections from Turkish students. In Akpinar Dellal, N & Yildiz, O (Eds.) Proceedings of 4th International Contemporary Educational Research Congress. Education, Youth and Future (pp. 214-222). Mugla, Turkey. http://cead2018.mu.edu.tr/en/duyuru/3212
Taskiran, A. (2018). Augmented Reality Games and Motivation in Language Learning. In T. Bastiaens … O. Zawacki-Richter (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 892-898). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/184292/
Taskiran, A. & Aydin, B. (2017). Do Adult English Language Learners and Their Teachers Have Similar Approaches to Success? The Asian Conference on Language Learning ACLL2017, Kobe, Japan. http://iafor.org/archives/conference-programmes/acll/acll-programme-2017.pdf
Taskiran, A., Bozkurt, A. & Aydin, B. (2016, June). Forming Learner Communities with Twitter in EFL Context. In G. Chamblee & L. Langub (Eds.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 1623-1628). Savannah, GA, USA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/171908/
Taskiran, A. (2016, Apr. 28-May 1) Exploring EFL Students’ Causal Attributions for Perceived Success and Failure. Asian Conference on Language Learning-ACLL2016, Kobe, Japan. http://iafor.org/archives/conference-programmes/acll/acll-programme-2016.pdf
Taskiran, A. (2015, July 06-08). Embedding augmented reality in mobile learning with a game-centered approach in EFL classrooms [Paper presentation].EDULEARN15, Barcelona, Spain https://library.iated.org/view/TASKIRAN2015EMB
Taşkıran, A., Koral, E., & Bozkurt, A. (2015, February 04-06). Using augmented reality in foreign language education. In Akademik Bilişim, Eskisehir, Turkey. https://ab.org.tr/ab15/bildiri/229.docx
2015-2016 Researcher, Project Title: Investigation of the interaction dimension of Twitter as a Micro Blog by using it in creative writing activities of EFL students. Project Type: Scientific Research Project Supported by Higher Education Institutions Project Number: 1505E463
2023-2024 Researcher, Project Title: English Academic Writing Teaching Reform
Project Type: Zhejiang Province Teaching Reform Project Grant Project Number: jg20220581
TESOL Writing Tutoring