Leah Li Echiverri
办公室:GEH C321
Educational Background
- Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction
- Master of Arts in Education, Major in Educational Administration and Supervision, Summa Cum Laude
- Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Major in Accounting
Dr. Leah Li V. Echiverri is a holder of a Doctorate Degree in Curriculum and Instruction from the Philippine Normal University and Master’s Degree in Educational Administration and Supervision from the Adventist University of the Philippines.
She was a Curricular Specialist at the University of Makati and spearheaded the conceptualization of Outcomes Based Education infusion in the various curricular programs across disciplines. Part of this responsibility was to oversee the development of instructional materials that were developed for curricular innovations.
She was a graduate studies professorial lecturer of the same institution, University of Makati, where she taught the courses such as Methodology of Research, Seminar in Thesis Writing, Organization and Management, and, Theories and Practices of Modern Educational Management.She has been appointed as General Education Program Coordinator (GEPC) and General Education Assessment Coordinator (GEAC) at the College of Liberal Arts at Kean’s University extension program in Wenzhou, China. Besides her regular teaching assignment, she mentors enthusiastically students on conducting research projects. She believes that this is the perfect avenue to transfer her technical knowledge on research to students who are highly interested to extensively develop their research skills. Thus, she finds job satisfaction and career fulfillment at Wenzhou Kean University as this is the perfect milieu tocrystallize her passion as an educator and mission in life…making a difference in the lives of people!
Research interests
As a progressivist educator, her research interest focuses on enhancing lifelong learning skills in teaching and learning taking into consideration the dynamics of evolving environments in the 21st century. Consequently, her research studies lean on topics such as students’ satisfaction, academic performance, classroom learning motivators, class learning activities, and students’ attitudes toward class discussion, class participation, and academic research amongst others.
Selected Publications/scholarly and creative work
Echiverri, L.L., Haoyu, S., & Yu, L. (2021). English Immersion Program: Does it Predict Chinese-ESL Students’ Academic Performance at a Sino-Foreign University in China?, London International Conference on Education (LICE-2021), London, UK
Echiverri, L.L., Haoyu, S., & Keer, X. (2020). Class Discussion and Class Participation: Determination of Their Relationship. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice,
20 (11), 31-38
Echiverri, L. L. (2020). Classrrom Learning Motivators: Breaking ESL Chinese University Students’ Passivity in Class Discussion, 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20) Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Val`encia, 2020 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11098
Echiverrri, L.L., Jiying, Y., & Feng, T. (2020). Relationship Between External Factors and University Students’ Attitudes towards Academic Research. 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20), Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Val`encia, 2020 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11123
Echiverri, L.L., Wanghan, C., & Xinyi, W. (2020). Factors That Shape University Students’ Attitudes Towards Academic Research. 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’20) Universitat Polit`ecnica de Val`encia, Val`encia, 2020 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11175
Echiverri, L. L. and Lane, T.K. (2019). Influence of Learning Attitudes and Task-Based Interactive on ESL Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning Outcomes in a Content
and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) University Course in China. Teachers’ Professional Development in Global Contexts: Insights from Teacher Education. (pp.140-159). Leiden, Netherlands: BRILL Sense
Echiverri, L. L. and Lane, T.K. (2017). Influence of Learning Attitudes and Task-Based Interactive Approach on ESL Student Satisfaction and Perceived Learning Outcomes in a Research Methodology course. In Mena, Valcarcel, Penalvo and Pozo (Ed.), Search and Research: Teacher Education for Contemporary Contexts. (pp.337-346). Salamanca, Spain: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca
Echiverri, Leah Li. (2015). Designing an Enhancement Guide Based on Assessed Education Students’ Multicultural Interpersonal Skills. In Dawn & Alan Editor (Ed.), Teaching for Tomorrow Today. (pp.22-32). Auckland, New Zealand: Edify Ltd. International Study Association of Teachers and Teaching (ISATT).
GE 1000: Transition to Wenzhou Kean University
GE 2023: Research Methodology and Information Technology
PSY 1000: Introduction to Psychology
PSY 4960: Introduction to Teaching and Learning