Timothy Klein
办公室:GEH B406
Educational Background
PhD in Media and Public Affairs from Louisiana State University’s Manship School of Mass Communication. MA from LSU in Mass Communication and BA from University of Minnesota in Communication and History.
Tim is from Minneapolis, Minnesota. He has worked on numerous political campaigns and has made documentary films. Recently he’s taught and done research as a Fulbright Scholar at Addis Ababa University, in Ethiopia, and was a post-doc at the University of Seychelles.
Research interests
Tim is a media historian, focusing on journalism and political communication in American history, as well as in Ethiopia and Seychelles. Tim has published papers on media history, focusing on muckraking journalism during the U.S. Progressive Era, the journalism and political communication of the U.S. Populist movement in the 1890s, the Dewey-Lippmann philosophical “debate” about journalism and public opinion, political journalism during the U.S. Civil War, and a history of newspaper editing. He’s also published on racial representations in the news, misinformation, and journalism education. He’s currently editing a book of journalism case studies for the University of Seychelles, and is writing a paper on state media during the 1974 Ethiopian revolution. He’s also the lead investigator for the Worlds of Journalism study in both Ethiopia and the Seychelles.
Publications/scholarly and creative work
- Klein, Timothy. “Journalism of the Populist Movement.” In Matthew Powers (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/acrefore/9780190228613.013.ORE_COM-01491.R1
- Klein, Timothy, V. “Confronting Challenges in Journalism Education.” Seychelles Research Journal, 5(2), (2023): 99-104. https://seychellesresearchjournal.com/current-issue-5-2/
- Klein, Tim V. & Quincy Hodges. “An Interreality Study of Race and Homicide News Coverage in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.” Crime, Media, Culture (2022): 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/17416590221091851.
- Klein, Tim V. “‘Single out the rascals for distinction from their fellows’: Realist, Prosecutorial, Yellow, and Radical Muckraking in the Progressive Era.” Media History Monographs 21 (2021): 1-73.
- Kalmoe, Nathan P., Tim Klein, & Elias Shammas. 2020. "The Press Goes to War: Partisan Advocacy and Resistance." In Kalmoe, N.P. With Ballots & Bullets: Partisanship & Violence in the American Civil War. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 53-74.
- Kalmoe, Nathan P., Tim Klein, & Elias Shammas. 2020. "Election News During Wartime: Loyalty, Racism, Retrospection, & Violence." In Kalmoe, N.P. With Ballots & Bullets: Partisanship & Violence in the American Civil War. New York: Cambridge University Press. p. 107-134.
- Klein, Tim V. & Elisabeth Fondren. “The Lippmann-Dewey ‘Debate’: Roles and Responsibilities of Journalists in a Democratic Society.” In Journalism’s Ethical Progression. edited by Gwyneth Mellinger and John P. Ferré, 45-72. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2019.
- Klein, Tim V., Elisabeth Fondren, & Len Apcar. “News Editing and the Editorial Process.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Communication. Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Klein, Tim V. “‘Speaking Out’: Press Freedom in Ethiopia,” part of the “First Amendment Essay” series, Journalism History, Nov, 2019. https://journalism-history.org/2019/11/11/klein-essay-speaking-out-press-freedom-in-ethiopia/.
- (Editor) Klein, Tim V. An Anatomy of Fake News: History, Populism, Partisanship, Technology, and Solutions, edited by Tim V. Klein. George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management and The Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs, 2018, https://upload.lsu.edu/manship/research/centers-labs/rcmpa/events/breaux_symposium/2018breauxsymposium.pdf.
Klein, Tim V. “The Linguistic Haze of ‘Fake News’ and Possible Paths Forward.” In An Anatomy of Fake News: History, Populism, Partisanship, Technology, and Solutions, edited by Tim V. Klein, 113-120. Jointly published by George Washington University Graduate School of Political Management and The Reilly Center for Media & Public Affairs, 2018, https://upload.lsu.edu/manship/research/centers-labs/rcmpa/events/breaux_symposium/2018breauxsymposium.pdf.
COMM 3503 Mass Media