Ying Shin Chin
办公室:GEH C415
Educational Background
Ph.D., Communication, University of Malaya
MA, Communication, Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Bachelor of Communication (Honours), Universiti Sains Malaysia
Ying Shin, Chin has several years of experience in both academia and the media industry. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate courses, including Public Relations, Principles of Advertising, Digital Communication Technology, and Strategic Communication Research Methods. He also worked as a journalist for a national media organization in Malaysia before returning to academia. Currently, he serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Communication and Public Relations. Additionally, he is a member of the Malaysian Association of Communication Educators (MACE) and the Southeast Asian Media Studies Association (SEAMSA).
Research interests
Media Studies, Health Communication, Public Relations, Fake News, New Media literacy
Publications/scholarly and creative work
Journal Articles
Chin, Y. S., & Zanuddin, H. (2024). What motivates university students to counter fake news? Examining situational perceptions, referent criterion, and new media literacy. KOME, 12(2), 1-22. https://doi.org/10.17646/KOME.of.16
Chin, Y. S., & Zanuddin, H. (2022). Examining fake news comments on Facebook: An application of situational theory of problem solving in content analysis. Media Asia, 49(4), 353-373. https://doi.org/10.1080/01296612.2022.2067945
Chin, Y. S., & Pong, K. S. (2021). Communicative action in COVID-19 prevention: Does religiosity play a role? Asia-Pacific Social Science Review, 21(4), 36-49.
Pong, K. S., & Chin, Y. S. (2020). Applying a promotional mix in promoting Bujang Valley: A perspective from tourists. Tourism and Sustainable Development Review Journal, 1(2), 119-134. https://doi.org/10.31098/tsdr.v1i2.20
Chin, Y. S., & Zanuddin, H. (2019). New media literacy and media use among university students in Malaysia. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 8(5C), 469-474. https://10.35940/ijeat.E1066.0585C19
Book Chapter
Totu, A., & Chin. Y. S. (2013). Are you a metrosexual?: Advertising and lifestyles of college students in Sabah. In Y. M. Lai, S. N. Mahali, M. S. Esa & A. R. Govindasamy (Eds.), Qasidah Tinta (pp. 146-160). Pusat Penataran Ilmu dan Bahasa, Universiti Malaysia Sabah.
COMM 2530 Mass Media
COMM 3280 News Literacy
COMM 3590 Business and Professional Communication